Teaching Math with Picture Books

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What a delightful day!

Our day unfolded much differently than I had thought. That’s never happens for you, right? Ha!

A little learner presented a borrowed library book, one of my childhood favorites, No Roses for Harry by Gene Zion. A fun read about curious, adventurous Harry, a black-spotted terrier. Children relate to Harry, his personified adventures, and feelings because they resemble those young children face.

In this read, Harry receives a rose-adorned sweater from grandma. He is not enthused. How often do children receive gifts, perhaps something they don't like or didn't expect? What do they do with those feelings? What discussions come out of those feelings? As this plot unfolds, the narrator tells of Harry's experience. In our home, conversations followed. Thoughts were shared and lessons learned in a non-threatening manner, because, of course, they began with a playful friend with whom my children could relate.

Oh, the discussions we had!

Our little learners wanted to continue learning with Harry.

A counting book! Thinking it would be fun to learn counting while making spots on Harry, I drew an outline sketch of Harry and littles began stamping circles of paint (with the end of a dowel rod, but a carrot dipped in paint would work, too) on this body—first one spot, then two, then three and so on to ten.

With ten Harry prints spread out to dry on the kitchen floor, I cut the end off a celery bunch and we printed "roses" on green paper. This printing project became our cover.

We practiced counting to ten, forward and backward. To extend our learning, we put chocolate sandwich cookies (spots) in sets. For this activity, I called out a number and each learner would count out a set of corresponding cookies. Then I would have the child write the number on paper. This activity reinforced the ability to convert auditory information into a visual and symbolic representation, the ability to count objects to ten, to visually remember a specific set of objects, and to write the symbolic representation (the numeral).

My children loved the learning time. They loved doing and learning. We loved the time together.

When all the pages were dry, we bound our Counting with No Roses for Harry with pieces of scrap fabric.

Our counting book is now "read" as much as No Roses for Harry. It’s a personal favorite. Priceless.

There's a learning moment in every story.

If you are looking for concept picture books that teach math, check out this post.